2024 Society of Adventist Communicators Sponsorship Opportunities

Standard Booth | $500 | 5 (4) Available – 15 (8) Booths Including Sponsored Booths 

·       6 ft table within the exhibit hall, hotel furnished pipe and drape

Breakfast Sponsor | $1,500 per meal | 2 Available SOLD OUT

·       Complimentary standard booth 

·       Opportunity to place branding materials in dining hall and at tables during a breakfast 

·       Opportunity to play a 1 minute video during the sponsored meal 

·       Logo on the SAC’s website sponsor page 

·       Logo on rotating slides between sessions 

·       Verbal recognition by the SAC’s president during general meeting


Boxed Meal Sponsor | $2,500 per breakout track | 2 Available

·       Complimentary standard booth

·       Opportunity to place branded flier in each box lunch on Thursday morning (media tours) or Sabbath lunch.

·       Opportunity to play a 1-minute video during Thursday afternoon session or Sabbath morning program

·       Logo on the SAC’s website sponsor page 

·       Logo on rotating slides between sessions 

·       Verbal recognition by SAC’s president during general meeting


Hotel Key Sponsor | $2,500 | 1 Available 

·       Complimentary standard booth  

·       Branding on all SAC attendee hotel keys 

·       Opportunity to play a 1-minute video during Thursday afternoon general session 

·       Logo on the SAC’s website sponsor page 

·       Logo on rotating slides between sessions 

·       Verbal recognition by SAC’s president during general meeting


Lanyard Sponsorship | $2,500 | 1 Available 

·       Complimentary standard booth  

·       Branding on all SAC name badge lanyards 

·       Opportunity to play a 1-minute video during Thursday afternoon general session 

·       Logo on the SAC’s website sponsor page 

·       Logo on rotating slides between sessions 

·       Verbal recognition by SAC’s president during general meeting 


Tech Talk Sponsor | $2,500 | 1 Available 

·       Complimentary standard booth  

·       Opportunity to speak for 3 minutes during Tech Talk 

·       Logo on the SAC’s website sponsor page 

·       Logo on rotating slides between sessions 

·       Verbal recognition by SAC’s president during general meeting

·       Opportunity to play a 1-minute video during Friday morning general session 


Lunch/Opening Reception Sponsor | $3,000 per meal | 2 Available SOLD OUT

·       Complimentary standard booth 

·       Opportunity to place branding materials in dining hall and at tables during Friday lunch or Thursday reception (excludes the Saturday evening banquet) 

·       Opportunity to play a 1-minute video during the sponsored meal; or during Friday business session (as applicable)

·       Opportunity to speak for 3 minutes during the sponsored meal 

·       1 month of newsletter sponsorship 

·       Logo on the SAC’s website sponsor page 

·       Logo on rotating slides between sessions 

·       Verbal recognition by SAC’s president during general meeting


Banquet Sponsor | $6,000 per meal | 1 Available 

·       Complimentary standard booth with premium placement 

·       Opportunity to place branding materials in dining hall and at tables during Saturday evening banquet 

·       Opportunity to play a 2-minute video during banquet

·       Opportunity to speak for 5 minutes during the sponsored meal 

·       3 months prominent placement/featured in SAC newsletter leading up to event

·       Logo on the SAC’s website sponsor page 

·       Logo on rotating slides between sessions 

·       Verbal recognition by SAC’s president and/or executive director during event 

·       Opportunity to add boxed lunch, lanyard, key card, or Tech Talk sponsorship for 25% discount